
Friday, February 03, 2012

It's that time of year again!

For me, that time of year means creating my first piece of art. This has become a new year ritual for me.....after all the fall shows and holidays are over, I create a unique piece that makes me happy!

During the fall shows, I read the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. The book took me to a magical world that conjured up imagery that were very Tim Burtonesque to me. I knew a teapot had to be created from it. And for some of you who knows me, I have a 'few'....about 2 dozen teapots in my possession, just waiting for me to cover them! I knew the exact set that would be perfect for the job.

For most of January, I created component canes and refined my design for the piece. Alot of thought went into it.....constant revisions. Most of this is done in my thoughts...without sketching it out too much. Other than the full length view of Poppet, which was transferred...all other details were drawn and carved directly on the teapot.

What I found fascinating is how much time simplicity takes. For me, this teapot is graphically simple, but technically complex....a combination of canework, carving and inlaying..and a new one for me, carving and revealing. This seems to be the case in most of the pieces I make.

I'm very pleased with my results...this piece makes me happy and energizes me creatively. It motivates me to produce my art for the rest of the year for others to enjoy!


  1. I think it's fantastic. I want to read the book now.

  2. It's amazing, I love your work, your phantasy and your genius!
    p.s. sorry for my bad bad english

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Is it possible to buy this set and if so, how much would it be? It is beautiful.

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

